The two biggest challenges faced by owners when nearing handover of a new home is:
(1) Knowing when workmanship is acceptable or defective.
(2) Knowing what defects are important to rectify prior to handover.
A case study below outlines one common building defect (of approximately 20-30 items within a typical SHS Practical Completion Report) . The notes in red are important notes which show why an inspection is a good idea and outline what information is being relayed to the builder and the owner. The red notes are not usually written into the report
The item below refers to weepholes which are critical in allowing moisture to exit brick cavities and prevent damp conditions at the slab edge and damp issues within the home.
(Item 1 of 30- Weephole Ommission)
I observed that weepholes were not installed above the window and door head and sill flashings and also to the base of all cavity masonry walls at 1.2m centres. (**note that the item states what is the defect and where the defect is located).
Australian Standard 3700-2011 Masonry structures 4.7.2 Weepholes states:
“4.7.2 Weepholes
Weepholes shall be provided wherever it is necessary to drain moisture from or throughmasonry construction. Where flashings are incorporated in the masonry, weepholes shall beprovided in the masonry course immediately above the flashing, at centres not exceeding1200 mm.” (**note that the standard or compliance breach is referenced and the item states why it is considered a defect - also note that the defective work is backed up by the required building standard which is the industry accepted standard for the identification of defective building work.
Proposed rectification work: (**what needs to be done to fix it?)
Weepholes are required to be installed above all wall flashings not protected by an eave to direct moisture out of the cavity around wall openings and to the base of all brick cavity walls in accordance with Australian Standard 3700-2011. (**note that the builder and owner nare now both informed where the defect is, what the defect is and what needs to be done to rectify the defect-excellent!)